“Inspect what you Expect”

For 25 years Mondays have been a ‘roller coaster’ day.  If Sunday worship attendance was up, we were up. If attendance was down, we were down. Then there was the offerings, If the money was good, we felt good.  If money was bad, we felt bad.  This gets old week after week.  So we backed up and asked “what are we pointing people to in the first place?”

As people visit LifePoint Church they are encouraged to attend Discover LifePoint. This class is a one hour class that explains the Purpose, Core Values and Expectations of LifePoint Church.  LifePoint’s purpose statement is “Leading people to a Christ Centered Life.” The expectations are the 5 characteristics of a disciple that LifePoint has agreed to  partner with every member to help them journey toward a Christ Centered life.

As we began to realize that these are the things we focus our efforts on (expect) then why don’t we measure these five? It seemed better than a number which can be influenced by the hundreds, depending on how what kind of season the Tennessee Titans are having (not a big problem this fall).

The metrix we are now developing has a weekly and monthly report that will give us an indication of how well LifePoint is doing in “Leading People to a Christ-Centered Life.”   This metrix will report on the five characteristics and help us see how people are moving toward a Christ Centered Journey.

The celebrations and evaluations can happen weekly and monthly. Each minister can see the progress and the weaknesses in their ministry. We expect this metrix to limit the ‘roller coaster’ Mondays and give us a better evaluation tool.

What are you measuring to see how well you are doing in helping Christ followers?  How do you clarify your church’s expectations?