How many distractions do you get per day? Do you write out a schedule for your day and get frustrated when you did not mark off each entry? What about when these leads to lack of accomplishment for the week?   Distractions!

In order to keep our Groups Ministry Team on track, avoiding distractions, we have designed a 2-part Flow Chart (Leadership and Growth) which we refer to each Monday morning.

How are we doing? Where do we need to focus this week? This month? The next semester?

To have a growing ministry a plan has to be designed to help assimilate the people God is sending you. So we have the Growth Flow Chart steps:

Surface: Felt needs or Convenience! How are people finding/inquiring about Groups at our church?
Felt Needs?  Website inquiry?    Plan-a-Visit tabGuest card?  Mapping? Neighborhood event?  Personal invite?  Info Card at Connection Booth?


Stick: Relationship! What can we do to help these guests stick in a group?
Coffee with Group representative? Sub-grouping in larger groups? Dinner Groups? D-Groups? Quarterly Parties? Bible engagement/Daily Devotionals?

Stay: Belong! What can we do to help these new Group members stay for the long haul?
Share the load? Host? Co-lead? Prayer leader? Food/menu? Mission work? Location of meetings? Childcare? Communication?

Send: Multiply! What can we do to help this individual and/or Group multiply their ministry, discipleship, group?
Pray for people in group to see lost around them. Help members see their hobbies/sports/passions as new Group opportunities. Send leader? Send member? Attend conference?  Start a Turbo Group? Go on Retreat?

This is not a perfect or complete Flow Chart, but it helps keep us focused on the Growth Ministry Plan for this season in the ministry role he has called our Team to guide.

We would love to learn from you on what your best practices are for staying on track to connecting those God is sending to your church.